This summer I sooooo wanted to dye my hair. But there is one think that I was just not willing to do and that was to bleach it. It's no secret that bleach makes your hair more brittle than a haystack in the sun and can cause massive breakage. I wasn't willing to put my hair in that state. So I had to find out ways to change my hair colour even though its black.
Honey |
Method #1: Honey- Honey is a natural way of lightening the hair. When washing your hair put the honey in before you condition and let it sit for 5-10 mins. You will have to do this every time you was your hair but gradually your hair should change to a lighter colour. The more and longer you do it for it lighter you hair will go. What's also good about this method is that honey is also a really good moisturiser so it will leave the hair nice and soft. After your hair has been naturally lightened you can dye it to the required colour you want and it will very noticeable.
Red henna dye |
Method #2: Red henna dye: This dye is all natural made from plants. Henna red dye colour is translucent and infused with the hair. Henna is also a natural conditioner so it will make the hair soft, silky and thick. This is great if you worried about what the dye will do to the condition of your hair. you can redye over this but
when using colour such as purple or blue make sure you take in to consideration that your hair is now red so it may not come out the same on the box.
My hair...a lot brighter in the sun |
My hair from the jet black to purplish color |
Method #3: the method I used: This way is more about adding subtle colour that will show more in the sunlight. A nice way to change your look with our being to dramatic. Dye your hair with a non permanent dye in which ever colour you want. After a week redye your hair with the same colour the more you do this the more vibrate and notice able the hair colour will be.
These are the three ways I found to dye your hair without having to use harsh chemicals. They may be time consuming but to keep that hair healthy right.