Saturday 6 October 2012

Love or Loathe: Chanel's Hula Hoop Bag

One thing we got out of Paris Fashion Week is a hula hoop beach bag that we can use as a haute couture drying stand. -raises eyebrows-

Melissa: Oh Mr Lagerfield. -shakes head-

Rianna: This bag has clearly left Melissa speechless and I'm quite sure that she isn't the only one. Karl Lagerfield has given an explanation for his design '“It’s for the beach. You need space for the beach towel. And then you can put it into the sand and hang things on it.” For once is seems that it is function over fashion, but I can't imagine people paying so much money to then place it in the sand and use it as a hook. Having said all that about the beach bag the swimsuit was just too cute. To me this bag is just crazy even if you were to bring on a trip to the beach it will take up up much space anyway.

Above is the concept design for the use of this bag. L-O-L.

Melissa: I had to take a break so that I can stop laughing and crying at the same time. If the bag was detachable then sure, I'll stick it in the sand and use it to hang my towel or even better, use the hula a hula hoop to get that perfect bikini body. But because its a Chanel bag, I wouldn't be bringing it to the beach...or anywhere at all. Can't wait to see if any celebrities rock this bag. To rock it you need to be utterly confident and not give two cents about knocking people out with your big ass bag. Saying that, I think the mini version of the bag is cute.

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